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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Knowledge sharing on proper gasket installation

 To my experience, I have analyzed the root cause of gaskets failure was mostly the lack of knowledge or competency to know about good practices of installation of gaskets in between piping flanged joints or in vessel nozzle joints. We must agree that all these gaskets are procured as per specifications furnished by licensers/piping or equipment designer. They select the proper type of gaskets based on service conditions and also on "how much equipment and piping system is safety CRITICAL." I believe all end users do these.

But again why gasket fails??. We must analyze it. Before Fixing of these right size and right rating gaskets in their locations, it needs some basic checks ( known as Last chance Inspection) at site location e.g. whether companion flanges are having any sort of misalignment beyond the acceptable limit? or the gap between flanges proper ? or they adequately (properly) torqued or they have short bolting ? All such abnormality must be addressed prior to installation of gasket.. Therefore all good organizations follow the practice of developing BEP and SMP ( Standard Maintenance Practice) for installation of proper gaskets in the field.
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