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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Knowledge sharing on “All about Centrifugal Pumps” for Engineering students/young Engineers/professionals of oil & gas industry.

Know about Sealless CMCP (Canned motor centrifugal pump) and MDCP (Magnetic drive centrifugal Pump )

Sealless pumps ( canned type or magnetic coupling design) conforming to API 685 are very useful for chemical and oil and gas industry for pumping very hazardous and corrosive chemical liquid where leak emission to atmosphere is not acceptable .Though the initial cost of procurement is higher than the equivalent conventional/standard sealed pumps. But from long term perspective view point, cost of ownership of the sealless pumps equipped with safety monitoring instrumentation comes out out be much lower than standard sealed pumps. If safety monitoring features are not installed, it becomes a concern of reliability because nothing can be seen /observed from outside.
OEM knows the technology to design the pump to meet the intended service requirement of end user. As with all mechanical equipment, the results depend on a thorough understanding of the capabilities and requirements of the technology. A firm knowledge of end user's process requirement, along with an open relationship with a manufacturer (OEM) who thoroughly understands sealless pump technology, can yield better design results to end users. The end user must share with OEM the complete specifications such as nature of liquid, vapor pressure, volatility, density, viscosity, solid contamination in pumping liquid, besides suction and discharge conditions requirement. Inadequate specification shall lead to poor design construction resulting in reliability issue - a big concern. The one very big CONCERN is DRY RUNNING of bearings in sealless pumps the impact of which may be catastrophic in nature -a safety issue. Another big concern is air entrainment in pumped liquid which can also cause similar damaging effect as product lubricated bearing running dry. Therefore, the pump casing and containment
shell must be fully primed and properly vented prior to pump start-up. During steady state of operation, It is also very important to carryout periodical inspection at frequency well defined in service manual. This frequency is normally defined based on corrosive and erosive nature of pumped liquid and can be updated based on previous history /experience of inspection.
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