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Monday, June 18, 2012

Best Practices of Condition Monitoring of Centrifugal Compressors

High equipment availability can be obtained cost-effective by the implementation of a
Predictive Maintenance strategy .Therefore a well-balanced monitoring program
should be implemented related to the criticality classification of the equipment. It
should combine periodic inspection (Off-stream) of easily accessible parts of major
equipment with the day to day on-line inspection and monitoring results.
The basis of the condition-monitoring program is comparing the current performance
with a reference (past) performance. This comparison is done for equipment on a
selective basis on a number of typical selected parameters:
Typical Condition Monitoring Parameters:

Vibrations , frequency , phase and transient analysis such as bode and polar plots
Thermodynamic performance (pressures, temperatures, efficiency, flow etc.)
Oil analysis
Wear Particle analysis
Seal oil consumption/ leakage over the seals/ lube oil leakage's/ excessive venting
Seal gas system i.e. flows and pressures in the supply and leak off lines
Balance line leak offs
Radial and axial shaft positions
Bearing temperatures
Motor winding temperatures
Foundations NDT
Inspection results of previous overhauls

The trends need to be analyzed to determine the 'health' status of the equipment.
Deviations beyond set limits of the parameters should be reported to management and
appropriate action taken.
Do not operate the plant at conditions (feed stock quality, flow rates, process
temperatures/ pressures) beyond the approved operating envelope. Any changes and
deviations in upper and lower design limits shall be thoroughly discussed and
evaluated for machine integrity. Based on this, approved window should be
Ensure that the agreed/ approved operating envelope is clearly known and properly
documented. Make operating staff responsible and accountable for maintaining the
operating conditions of the plant systems and equipment within their respective
Regularly measure and evaluate the performance in critical areas by comparing the
results with the Performance Indicator target values and analyze the differences.
Determine the reasons for the variances and identify and apply corrective action, as
and when required and report via monthly and/or quarterly site management reports.
Widely publicize the current performance indicators against the agreed target values
and the results.
In all cases, any foreseen operating deviation must be reported to allow for proper
monitoring of the equipment. Any operation outside the operating envelop of the
plant/equipment must be subjected to a complete review including the safeguarding
system, start-up and shutdown procedures.
After each overhaul it is necessary to log a new base-line reading of operating data to
verify mechanical and thermodynamic performance and to establish whether the
maintenance job has been executed successfully.